Aperture Still on Track

by Devanshu Mehta May 04, 2006

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the new version of Apple’s Aperture, 1.1 and how Apple really needed to hit one out of the park to turn this product into what it was truly meant to be- a piece of software that could single-handedly convince users to buy a Mac.

That story was very quickly followed by rumors from ThinkSecret to the effect that there had been mass firings at Apple in the Aperture team and there would be major changes in the product’s development team. That was a kind of good-news/bad-news story as Aperture did seem like it needed a shake-up, but maybe not quite that big.

In any case, it turned out the rumor was false- according to Apple. They believe the product is on track, “generating enormous interest” and so on. Good for them; though Adobe is hot on their heals.


  • Great stuff, thanks a lot.
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